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aliasnathan beach
locusrichardson, dallas county, texas u.s.a.

nathan beach is a software developer living in richardson 75080. he is also involved with the post smooth jazz music sensation climate incorporated. also to please see his tribute to the late great composer alfred schnittke.

galleries27. cooking dinner
26. the faceless poor and others
25. a paradise for gangsters
24. moth and mother bear
23. boat and hospital
22. a friendly monster
21. the sleeping farmer
20. lioness wedding and tree
19. grocer saracen and clown
18. fishermen and donkey
17. golf of course
16. stalker scrapbook
15. people and places i know
14. school health practice series
13. figures at boundaries
12. several paintings
11. lowfashion travel guide
10. three things i like
9. two landscapes
8. eleven office collages
7. death and the citi
6. two paintings
5. black and white bulbs
4. blue light bulbs
3. isaac shelby
2. a forest scene
1. three paintings
see also"the children's book" in special projects

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